Is sex a source of conflict?

Learn about my program, Doing It Together.

There is a way forward


You feel rejected a lot of the time.

Even though you try, 
nothing seems to get her interested.

You want to feel wanted.

Intimacy is something you crave for closeness and connection

learn MORE about my program


Even though you love your
husband, sex feels like a chore.

You feel guilty about saying no
all the time.

Sex is hard to talk about and you 
don’t want to hurt his feelings.

You wonder if something is wrong with you…

Does this sound familiar?

My Philosophy

I understand how frustrating it can be to search for answers and get nowhere. To try all-the-things and still end up feeling like sex is a chore or rejected yet again.

From personal experience, my training as a Marriage Coach, and years of research, I know what doesn’t work:

  • Scheduling sex without redesigning it
  • Pushing anyone to “just do it”
  • Focusing on health issues
  • Blaming one partner
  • Trying to “spice things up”

The real reason why so many couples find themself in the dynamic of her wanting it rarely and him wanting it more is much more complex than these surface-level fixes.

You have to dig a little deeper into the cultural messages that have infiltrated your relationship and work together to create a new framework for intimacy.

This is what I can help you with.

Hi, I'm 


I’ve helped thousands of couples over the last 7 years.

Listen to the latest:

Doing It Together is about empowering women and men to heal from cultural messages so that they can discover true pleasure and connection in their sexual relationship and marriage. 

Tune into the Podcast!



"I'm rejoicing in pleasure, comfort, and connection with my spouse, and I'm fighting for a nourishing time of connection that I look forward to."


"I now feel more normal, less alone, and more empowered that we can do better, now that we know better. I am tapping into my creativity and joy as I follow my pleasure for the first time."


"We now have consistent sexual experiences where I am in my element: happy and satisfied. I can actually say now, 'I have good sex in my marriage!' "


"I feel so much more free to be me, to figure out what I want and don't want and am learning to be more assertive about it. I have enjoyed our sexual experiences more than I’ve ever had in our 13 years of marriage."


"I had to work hard to change old habits and patterns, but I DID it, with Janna's help and the support of our community. I feel strong. I feel empowered. I feel like I can love myself and my husband again. That is priceless to me."


"My thoughts have changed dramatically. I have practical phrases and tools to use and the nightly stress is GONE. COMPLETELY GONE. Fear is leaving in so many ways and is being replaced by confidence and bravery."


"I have seen MASSIVE CHANGES!! I feel safe and want to be vulnerable in our sex life. I feel more connected and in love with my husband. I feel so excited about our intimacy and how it will continue to evolve, and I know that I AM a sexual woman!!!"

Where you can find me

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Follow me here for podcast updates (with a few reels for fun!).

All the videos about desire, marriage and sex that you could ever want.




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The best nuggets of wisdom on libido, sex, and marriage!

The best program for women, married to men, who want to enjoy sex more.

Get started and learn the real reason for lack of desire. 

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